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So far, I have received only Five-Star Reviews on my four books of The Kopaz Series™.  Kathleen Jackson has finished all four book and this is a statement of her review for Book 4 of The Kopaz Series™, War of the Gods:

"As I finished the final book of the Kopaz Series, "War of the Gods", I was reminded of a quote from Victor Hugo. He said " A writer is a World trapped in a person. " I am so glad that this writer, Dale Groutage, released this World of Kopaz that was trapped in him and shared this wonderful story with all of us."

This is what my Publisher Editor, Christopher, told me when he had finished editing the last book of The Kopaz Series: "What you have created here is a fantastic final volume of your epic story. You succeed in bringing all of the various plot threads to satisfying conclusions, and you do so with a deftness of touch that will leave readers of this series hungry for whatever inventive world you come to write in next...

It has been a real honor editing these books in your series, and I am only sorry that I was not able to edit the first one. Believe me, I will be buying that one soon to see how the whole saga began.

I hope these edits and comments are valuable in helping the manuscript achieve your publishing goals. Good luck in your revision, and I wish you all the best for this manuscript and future books."


—Christopher, Editor

See if Christopher is right.  If you want to venture into worlds you never knew existed in the Universe, then jump board The Kopaz Series and take a journey of a lifetime. You'll find young love, treasure, evil, murder, excitement and suspense as you follow Danny Roberts and Jeannie LoneTree's journey through time and space from their humble beginnings in a coal camp they called home in the Scarlet Desert of Wyoming in the 1950s to their intervention in a cosmic battle between the primordial gods.

Great News!  All four books of The Kopaz Series are now available at these major retailers!

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The Kopaz Series