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FAQs about The Kopaz Series: A Teen Epic Fantasy

What is The Kopaz Series about?

A: The Kopaz Series is a mesmerizing teen epic fantasy, transporting readers to realms brimming with magic and mystery. Our young heroes, Jeannie and Danny, embark on perilous quests from the mean streets of Coalville to the mystical land of gods. They navigate daunting challenges, discovering their destiny in an epic battle of good and evil.

How many books are there in the series?

A: The series comprises four engaging books, each one building upon the last, offering a thrilling blend of teen romance and YA fantasy romance.

Where can I buy The Kopaz Series?

A: All four books of The Kopaz Series are available in Audible, Kindle, Audible-Kindle linked together, and paperback format. You can purchase them at major vendors like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Audible.

How much does each book cost?

A: Prices vary based on the format and retailer. We recommend checking all platforms for the best deal.

The Kopaz Series, crafted by Dale Groutage, is an urban fantasy novel born from the author's passion for reading and his childhood dreams of a better life. Now retired from a successful career in engineering, Dale uses his creativity to bring this world of destiny and fate to life. Immerse yourself in this captivating journey today.

Young Adult Romance Books

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Purchase all 4 books of The Kopaz Series on Amazon™, Audible, and Barnes & Noble